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InAppBrowser, Open Window, Post Message

Is it possible to open a site in an InAppBrowser, have that site use window.open to open another window, then send a message to that other window (and vice versa)?

like image 492
micah Avatar asked Nov 16 '17 12:11


People also ask

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The InAppBrowser is a web browser view that displays when calling [window. open](window. open. html)() , or when opening a link formed as <a target="_blank"> .

How do I close InAppBrowser?

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How do I use InAppBrowser in Cordova?

function openBrowser() { var url = 'https://cordova.apache.org'; var target = '_blank'; var options = "location = yes" var ref = cordova. InAppBrowser. open(url, target, options); ref. addEventListener('loadstart', loadstartCallback); ref.

1 Answers

Postmessage is already implemented on not released version. You can fork the most recent dev version on inAppBrowser from their git page: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/ Before building it remember to remove the current component and add the most recent dev version for using it. As its described in their documentation you can dispatch postmessage like:

inAppBrowserRef.executeScript({ code: "\
            var message = 'this is the message';\
            var messageObj = {my_message: message};\
            var stringifiedMessageObj = JSON.stringify(messageObj);\

Or from inside inAppBrowser's app its something like:

  const message = 'message'
  const messageObj = {message: message}
  const stringifiedMessageObj = JSON.stringify(messageObj)
if (window.webkit && Window.webkit.messageHandlers) {
      console.log('postmessage call on webkit')

And you can listen for it inside cordova like:

this.inAppBrowserRef.on('message').subscribe((event) => {
      console.log(' postmessage received')
      const postObject:any = event

like image 77
Kkkk Kkkk Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Kkkk Kkkk