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In which case PERMISSION_DENIED error occurs in tableau SDK?



I am using tableau java SDK version 10.0 and I tried to publish the datasource in the sample project which is not belong to that user, I got SERVER_ERROR instead of PERMISSION_DENIED error

e.g Sample project belongs to sample users (user1, user2) but when I tried to publish the datasource as user3 then I got SERVER_ERROR in this case user3 doesn't have permission to publish datasource in the sample project so it should return PERMISSION_DENIED error but I got SERVER_ERROR

In which case PERMISSION_DENIED occurs?

like image 411
M.R Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 07:11


1 Answers

I am not familiar with your environment settings for the users mentioned. But SQL or your database is I'd think a server. So, the SERVER_ERROR is probably correct. You may have to look deeper into the SERVER_ERROR properties to see. The permission flag that you are looking for should be one of those values.

like image 136
Dylan Wright Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 09:12

Dylan Wright