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In what version was the (...) introduced in Lua functions as arguments?

This as the most simple example as I can imagine:

function NewPrint(...)
    print("printed:", ...)


Please note, I haven't actually done Lua for a while, I might have missed some syntax.

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Frederik Spang Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 12:03

Frederik Spang

1 Answers

As per the Lua.org documentation , it was Lua 5.1 .

Lua 5.1 was released on 21 Feb 2006. Its main new features were a new module system, incremental garbage collection, new mechanism for varargs, new syntax for long strings and comments, mod and length operators, metatables for all types, new configuration scheme via luaconf.h, and a fully reentrant parser.

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AllTooSir Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 01:03
