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in what situation will an item in System.Collections.Generic.List not be removed successfully?

in what situation will an item in System.Collections.Generic.List not be removed successfully?

From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cd666k3e.aspx:

true if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item was not found in the List(Of T).

The way they phrase it makes me think that it is possible that a Remove operation on an item found in the List(Of T) could actually fail, hence this question.

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Pacerier Avatar asked May 20 '11 10:05


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1 Answers

Looking at the System.Collections.Generic.List source in Reflector, it would appear that the item not being found in the collection is indeed the only way for Remove to return false.

int index = this.IndexOf(item);
if (index >= 0)
    return true;
return false;
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Kevin Wienhold Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Kevin Wienhold