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In VBA get rid of the case sensitivity when comparing words?

I am working on an VBA program which would allow the user to type an address and find the location by matching elements of the address with a database.

Unfortunately, I am having a recurrent problem with the case sensitivity.

For example, when I am using this code :

For i = 11 To lRowB Range("B" & i).Activate myResult = IsNumeric(Application.Match(ActiveCell.Value, manilaListRange, 0)) 

It is gonna compare the value of the active cell to a list of words from my database. Problem is, if in my active cell the word is "miami" or "MIAMI" and only "Miami" is in the database, it won't work...

Other example:

If Range("J6").Value = "tawi" Then Range("J6").Value = "Tawi-Tawi" End If 

Same problem, only the word written with the same case is gonna work.

How can I get rid of this? It's particularly annoying and I can't rewrite my database in every case combination possible!

Thanks in advance !

like image 334
Phalanx Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 02:06


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1 Answers

There is a statement you can issue at the module level:

Option Compare Text 

This makes all "text comparisons" case insensitive. This means the following code will show the message "this is true":

Option Compare Text  Sub testCase()   If "UPPERcase" = "upperCASE" Then     MsgBox "this is true: option Compare Text has been set!"   End If End Sub 

See for example http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/vba-case-sensitive.htm . I'm not sure it will completely solve the problem for all instances (such as the Application.Match function) but it will take care of all the if a=b statements. As for Application.Match - you may want to convert the arguments to either upper case or lower case using the LCase function.

like image 191
Floris Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
