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In the MSVC ABI, how do I reliably find the vtable given only a (void*)?

This question is specifically about non-portable MSVC ABI stuff.

I'm trying to write the equivalent of C++'s typeid in obviously-nonportable-yet-not-magic C++. For the Itanium ABI (as used on Linux/Mac), it's super easy:

const std::type_info& dynamicast_typeid(void *mdo)
    std::type_info **vptr = *reinterpret_cast<std::type_info ***>(mdo);
    std::type_info *typeinfo_ptr = vptr[-1];
    return *typeinfo_ptr;

So now I'm looking at the 64-bit MSVC ABI, and dang it, I'm stumped. For very simple classes, the ones that start with a vfptr at offset 0, it's almost as easy as Itanium:

const std::type_info& dynamicast_typeid(void *mdo)
    int *rtti_complete_object_locator = ((int ***)mdo)[0][-1];
    char *result = (char *) rtti_complete_object_locator;
    result -= rtti_complete_object_locator[5];
    result += rtti_complete_object_locator[3];
    return *(std::type_info*)result;

(This code is based on the Wine project's __RTtypeid.)

The problem is that some C++ classes don't start with a vfptr at offset 0! Sometimes they start with a vbptr.

struct Class1 { virtual ~Class1() {} };
struct Class2 : virtual Class1 {};

Class1 starts with a vfptr; Class2 starts with a vbptr.

When a class starts with a vbptr, I believe it's always the case that its first virtual base subobject (its first in layout order, and thus its "leafiest") will always have a vfptr at its offset 0. So if I know I'm dealing with a class that starts with a vbptr, I want to do this instead:

const std::type_info& dynamicast_typeid_for_vbptr_class(void *mdo)
    int first_vbase_offset = ((int**)mdo)[0][1];
    mdo = (char*)mdo + first_vbase_offset;
    int *rtti_complete_object_locator = ((int ***)mdo)[0][-1];
    char *result = (char *) rtti_complete_object_locator;
    result -= rtti_complete_object_locator[5];
    result += rtti_complete_object_locator[3];
    return *(std::type_info*)result;

I've determined that MSVC does actually generate the equivalent of

    if constexpr(IS_VBPTR_CLASS) {
        int first_vbase_offset = ((int**)mdo)[0][1];
        mdo = (char*)mdo + first_vbase_offset;
    return __RTtypeid(mdo);

when compiling the C++ expression typeid(x) — where that IS_VBPTR_CLASS is pseudocode for "the compiler magically knows whether x has a vbptr, based on the static type of x and the fact that the compiler knows the layout of every type."

However, in my case I don't know the static type of x, and even if I did, I don't know how to find out (from within C++, with template metaprogramming) whether x starts with a vbptr or not.

Finally, I went ahead and fudged it a little bit with

const std::type_info& dynamicast_typeid(void *mdo)
    while (((int**)mdo)[0][0] == 0) {
        mdo = (char *)mdo + ((int**)mdo)[0][1];
    int *rtti_complete_object_locator = ((int ***)mdo)[0][-1];
    char *result = (char *)complete_object_locator;
    result -= rtti_complete_object_locator[5];
    result += rtti_complete_object_locator[3];
    return *(std::type_info*)result;

only to discover that the typeinfo stored in the vftable for "Class1 in Class2" holds the typeinfo for the subobject type Class1, not for the most-derived-type Class2! So there's another piece of the puzzle missing.

So my question in a nutshell: Given (void*)&object_of_type_class2, how do I retrieve typeid(Class2)?

like image 704
Quuxplusone Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 20:11


1 Answers

I've got something that works now!

The function dynamicast_to_mdo does the equivalent of dynamic_cast<void*>(p) — it adjusts p to point to its most derived object.

The function dynamicast_typeid does the equivalent of typeid(p) — it fetches the typeinfo from p's vtable. I'm just using the fudge/hack that I gave in my question, and I'm actually not sure why I was getting wrong answers a few hours ago; I think when I was seeing the wrong typeinfo, it may have been because I was accidentally trying to take the typeid of a dangling reference to a destroyed stack variable.

// 64-bit MSVC ABI
void *dynamicast_to_mdo(void *p)
    if (((int**)p)[0][0] == 0) {
        p = (char *)p + ((int**)p)[0][1];
    int *complete_object_locator = ((int ***)p)[0][-1];
    int mdoffset = complete_object_locator[1];
    void *adjusted_this = static_cast<char *>(p) - mdoffset;
    return adjusted_this;

// 64-bit MSVC ABI
const std::type_info& dynamicast_typeid(void *p)
    if (((int**)p)[0][0] == 0) {
        p = (char *)p + ((int**)p)[0][1];
    int *complete_object_locator = ((int ***)p)[0][-1];

    char *result = (char *)complete_object_locator;
    result -= complete_object_locator[5];
    result += complete_object_locator[3];
    return *(const std::type_info*)result;
like image 139
Quuxplusone Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
