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In the C++ standard, where does it indicate the spacing protocol for the replacement of category descriptives by the source code it represents?

At the risk of asking a question deemed too nit-picky, I have spent a long time trying to justify (as a single example of something that occurs throughout the standard in different contexts) the following definition of an integer literal in §2.14.2 of the C++11 standard, specifically in regards to one detail, the presence of whitespace in the syntax notation itself.

(Note that this example - the definition of an integer literal - is not the point of my question. The point of my question is to ask about the syntax description notation used by the C++ standard itself, specifically in regards to whitespace between grammatical category names. The example I give here - the definition of an integer literal - is specifically chosen only because it acts as an example that is simple and clear-cut.)

(Abbreviated for concision, from §2.14.2):

    decimal-literal integer-suffix_opt

    decimal-literal digit

(with nonzero-digit and digit as expected, [0] 1 ... 9). (Note: The above text is all in italics in the standard.)

This all makes sense to me, assuming that the SPACE between the syntax category descriptives decimal-literal and digit is understood to NOT be present in the actual source code, but is only present in the syntax description itself as it appears here in section §2.14.2.

This convention - placing a space between category descriptives within the notation, where it is understood that the space is not to be present in the source code - is used in other places in the specification. The example here is just a clear-cut case where the space is clearly not supposed to be present in the source code. (See addendum to this question for counterexamples from the standard where whitespace or other separator/s must be present, or is optional, between category descriptives when those category descriptives are replaced by actual tokens in the source code.)

Again, at the risk of being nit-picky, I cannot find anywhere in the standard a statement of convention that spaces are NOT to be present in the source code when interpreting notation such as in this example.

The standard does discuss notational convention in §1.6.1 (and thereafter). The only relevant text that I can find regarding this is:

In the syntax notation used in this International Standard, syntactic categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked by the phrase “one of.”

I would not be so nit-picky; however, I find the notation used within the standard to be somewhat tricky, so I would like to be clear on all of the details. I appreciate anyone willing to take the time to fill me in on this.

ADDENDUM In response to comments in which a claim is made similar to "it's obvious that whitespace should not be included in the final source code, so there's no need for the standard to explicitly state this": I have chosen a trivial example in this question, where it is obvious. There are many cases in the standard where it isn't obvious without a. priori knowledge of the language (in my opinion), such as §8.0.4 discussing "const" and "volatile":

    cv-qualifier cv-qualifier-seq_opt

... Note the opposite assumption here (whitespace, or another separator or separators, is required in the final source code), but that's not possible to deduce from the syntax notation itself.

There are also cases where a space is optional, such as:

    noptr-abstract-declarator_opt parameters-and-qualifiers

(In this example, to make a point, I won't give the section number or paraphrase what is being discussed; I'll just ask if it's obvious from the grammar notation itself that, in this context, whitespace in the final source code is optional between the tokens.)

I suspect that the comments along these lines - "it's obvious, so that's what it must be" - are the result of the fact that the example I've chosen is so obvious. That's exactly why I chose the example.

like image 652
Dan Nissenbaum Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 23:12

Dan Nissenbaum

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2 Answers


There are five kinds of tokens: identifiers, keywords, literals, operators, and other separators. Blanks, horizontal and vertical tabs, newlines, formfeeds, and comments (collectively, “white space”), as described below, are ignored except as they serve to separate tokens.

So, if a literal is a token, and whitespace serves to seperate tokens, space in between the digits of a literal would be interpreted as two separate tokens, and therefore cannot be part of the same literal.

like image 55
Benjamin Lindley Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 02:11

Benjamin Lindley

I'm reasonably certain there is no more direct explanation of this fact in the standard.

The notation used is similar enough to typical BNF that they take many of the same general conventions for granted, including the fact that whitespace in the notation has no significance beyond separating the tokens of the BNF itself -- that if/when whitespace has significance in the source code beyond separating tokens, they'll include notation to specify it directly (e.g., for most preprocessing directives, the new-line is specified directly:

# ifdef identifier new-line groupopt


# include < h-char-sequence> new-line

The blame for that probably goes back to the Algol 68 standard, which went so far overboard in its attempts at precisely specifying syntax that it was essentially impossible for anybody to read without weeks of full-time study1. Since then, any more than the most cursory explanation of the syntax description language leads to rejection on the basis that it's too much like Algol 68 and will undoubtedly fail because it's too formal and nobody will ever read or understand it.

1 How could it be that bad you ask? It basically went like this: they started with a formal English description of a syntax description language. That wasn't used to define Algol 68 though -- it was used to specify (even more precisely) another syntax description language. That second syntax description language was then used to specify the syntax of Algol 68 itself. So, you had to learn two separate syntax description languages before you could start to read the Algol 68 syntax itself at all. As you can undoubtedly guess, almost nobody ever did.

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Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11

Jerry Coffin