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In Swift, can you split a string by another string, not just a character?

In Swift, it's easy to split a string on a character and return the result in an array. What I'm wondering is if you can split a string by another string instead of just a single character, like so...

let inputString = "This123Is123A123Test" let splits = inputString.split(onString:"123") // splits == ["This", "Is", "A", "Test"] 

I think NSString may have a way to do as much, and of course I could roll my own in a String extension, but I'm looking to see if Swift has something natively.

like image 971
Mark A. Donohoe Avatar asked Mar 25 '18 04:03

Mark A. Donohoe

1 Answers

import Foundation  let inputString = "This123Is123A123Test" let splits = inputString.components(separatedBy: "123") 
like image 199
Gi0R Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
