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In Sublime, typing <tab> after colon causes 'key => "value"' to appear, why?

In Sublime (I'm using Sublime 3), typing after a colon causes the text 'key => "value"' to appear.

This is an annoying behaviour.

I merely want to indent the text after the colon.

Why is this happening (it must have some key binding as a shortcut)? And how do I remove this behaviour?

Thank you

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Zack Xu Avatar asked Oct 29 '14 23:10

Zack Xu

2 Answers

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Install PackageResourceViewer
  2. In the command palette type "prv", select "PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource"
  3. Select your language e.g. "JavaScript"
  4. Select: "Snippets/"
  5. Select the 'offender': "Object-key-key-value.sublime-snippet"
  6. Comment out (use XML/HTML comments, <!-- -->, as it is an XML) or just delete the line containing: <tabTrigger>:</tabTrigger>
  7. Save
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ellockie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


As it's a built in package (as @sergioFC said), you will need to extract the file and create an override. Alternatively, use https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/PackageResourceViewer to open the file, and remove the tab trigger. Upon saving it will place the override file in the proper location.

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skuroda Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
