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In SQL, how can I convert a VARCHAR to a STRING?

I am trying to do a BULK INSERT operation on SQL Server 2008 R2 using a parameter. However, I am having problems that the function expects a STRING where I'm passing it a VARCHAR. My SQL is below.

DECLARE @filepath VARCHAR(30)
DECLARE @current_symbol VARCHAR(30)

DECLARE symbol_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT symbol FROM stocks.dbo.description WHERE 1=1

OPEN symbol_cursor;

FETCH NEXT FROM symbol_cursor INTO @current_symbol

WHILE @current_symbol is not null
SET @filepath = 'C:\Users\stkerr\Desktop\stockPricing\' + @current_symbol + '.prices'
INSERT stocks.dbo.pricing
FROM @filepath
    FIRSTROW = 2,
    ORDER   ( [date], [open], high, low, [close],volume),

FETCH NEXT FROM symbol_cursor INTO @current_symbol

The problem is popping up when I'm executing the SET @filepath statement.

Any ideas?

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samoz Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 01:06


2 Answers

In order to specify the file in a variable (@filepath) to BULK INSERT, you will need to construct dynamic TSQL and execute it.


DECLARE @str_command nvarchar(150)
SET @str_command = 'BULK INSERT [Customer_Sample] FROM ''' + @SourceFilePath + 
                   ''' WITH (formatfile = ''' + @FormatFilePath + 
                   ''', firstrow =' + cast(@RowNumber as nvarchar) + ')'
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Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Mitch Wheat

there is no "string" type in sql. if you're having trouble with the set statement it's likely because you've given it a maximum length of 30 characters, and your text is longer than that.

if its the From @filepath thats giving you trouble, its because bulk insert won't take a variable in the from statement.

overall, i think your option is probably to execute the bulk insert via dynamic sql. build the statement up in a variable and then exec() it.

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nathan gonzalez Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

nathan gonzalez