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In shiny how can I update an input text field with the value of an action button

Hi I want to create a shiny UI which a user can type in the name of a data-set into a text box say "testdataset". Then by clicking and action button to select a particular process in this (example) analysis 1 or analysis 2. Once this happens I want the text box to show the original data-set name plus the analysis chosen ie "testdataset-analysis1" . I've built and example UI below but Im new to R and shiny and dont know how to capture the events and pass the variables between the UI and the server and render them. can anyone help? example of what i would like to achieve

  #====shiny UI
    headerPanel("Shiny action button input "),
      textInput(inputId="data1", label = "Input data name"),

      actionButton("Ana1", "analysis1"),
      actionButton("Ana2", "analysis2")

  #====shiny server
    function(input, output) {
      output$data1 <- renderText({input$data1})


  runApp()#to run application
like image 840
user5300810 Avatar asked Apr 02 '16 21:04


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Action buttons and action links are meant to be used with one of observeEvent() or eventReactive() . You can extend the effects of an action button with reactiveValues() . Use observeEvent() to trigger a block of code with an action button. Use eventReactive() to update derived/calculated output with an action button.

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1 Answers

This is not a complete answer, but it is good to try for yourself. In general, use updateTextInput to update the text, use observeEvent to observe the click action on a button, use input$name to catch input values, and use output$name <- render... to set output. There are several updateInput methods that you can find in the official Shiny reference. http://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/

For example, in your server code

function(session, input, output) {
    observeEvent(input$Ana1, {
        name <- paste(input$data1, "analysis 1")
        updateTextInput(session, "data1", value=name)
like image 120
Xiongbing Jin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Xiongbing Jin