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In Scala, is there a shorthand for reducing a generic type's arity?

I want to call Scalaz's pure method to put a value into the State monad. The following works:

type IntState[A] = State[Int, A]
val a = "a".pure[IntState]
    (Int, java.lang.String) = (1,a)

I can also eliminate the type alias (thanks Scalaz's Pure.scala):

val a = "a".pure[({type T[A]=State[Int,A]})#T]
    (Int, java.lang.String) = (1,a)

But that is extremely clunky. Is there a shorter way to synthesize a type like this? Like placeholder syntax for function literals, is there something like:

"a".pure[State[Int, *]]
like image 742
Daniel Yankowsky Avatar asked Oct 04 '11 05:10

Daniel Yankowsky

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1 Answers

For concise partial type application (arity-2) in Scala, you can infix type notation as followings.

type ![F[_, _], X] = TF { type ![Y] = F[X,  Y] }

"a".pure[(State!Int)# !]

Note that we can infix notation for two arity type constructor (or type alias).

like image 77
kmizu Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
