I have update Laravel from v5.7
to v5.8
and now my application doesn't run.
I updated it because of this issue: composer require rebing/graphql-laravel fails
I solved the packages incompatibility but now Laravel crashes:
$ php artisan serve
In Router.php line 366:
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::group() must be of the type array, string given, called in /var/www/masvino/Server-bak/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades
/Facade.php on line 239
I suspect that the Laravel's team changed the firm of this method:
* Create a route group with shared attributes.
* @param array $attributes
* @param \Closure|string $routes
* @return void
public function group(array $attributes, $routes) // line 366
// Once we have updated the group stack, we'll load the provided routes and
// merge in the group's attributes when the routes are created. After we
// have created the routes, we will pop the attributes off the stack.
This is the current content of my composer.json file:
"name": "laravel/laravel",
"description": "The Laravel Framework.",
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.3",
"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
"laravel/framework": "^5.8.0",
"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
"mll-lab/laravel-graphql-playground": "^1.1.0",
"nuwave/lighthouse": "^4.4.2",
"spatie/laravel-cors": "^1.6",
"webonyx/graphql-php": "^0.13.8",
"rebing/graphql-laravel": "2.1.1"
"require-dev": {
"beyondcode/laravel-dump-server": "^1.0",
"filp/whoops": "^2.0",
"fzaninotto/faker": "^1.4",
"mockery/mockery": "^1.0",
"nunomaduro/collision": "^2.0",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Tests\\": "tests/"
"extra": {
"laravel": {
"dont-discover": [],
"providers": [
"aliases": {
"GraphQL": "Rebing\\GraphQL\\Support\\Facades\\GraphQL"
"scripts": {
"post-root-package-install": [
"@php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
"post-create-project-cmd": [
"@php artisan key:generate --ansi"
"post-autoload-dump": [
"@php artisan package:discover --ansi"
"config": {
"preferred-install": "dist",
"sort-packages": true,
"optimize-autoloader": true
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true
I think the problem could be in this file: app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* This namespace is applied to your controller routes.
* In addition, it is set as the URL generator's root namespace.
* @var string
protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
* Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Define the routes for the application.
* @return void
public function map()
* Define the "web" routes for the application.
* These routes all receive session state, CSRF protection, etc.
* @return void
protected function mapWebRoutes()
* Define the "api" routes for the application.
* These routes are typically stateless.
* @return void
protected function mapApiRoutes()
Don't know which is the correct format now for group()
method. Can anybody help me figure this out? Thanks in advance!
As the error message suggests, the problem is solved by adding an empty array into the web.php file.
Route::group([], function () {
Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
And I am using Laravel v7.
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