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In R, What is the difference between df["x"] and df$x

Where can I find information on the differences between calling on a column within a data.frame via:

df <- data.frame(x=1:20,y=letters[1:20],z=20:1)


They both return the "same" results, but not necessarily in the same format. Another thing that I've noticed is that df$x returns a list. Whereas df["x"] returns a data.frame.

EDIT: However, knowing which one to use in which situation has become a challenge. Is there a best practice here or does it really come down to knowing what the command or function requires? So far I've just been cycling through them if my function doesn't work at first (trial and error).

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Brandon Bertelsen Avatar asked Jul 30 '10 06:07

Brandon Bertelsen

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1 Answers

Another difference is that df$w returns NULL and df['w'] or df[['w']] gives an error with your example dataframe.

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Henrico Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
