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In Python, how to replace all non-UTF-8 characters in a string?

Update: The real problem is that MySQL utf8 does not support four-byte UTF-8 characters.

There are several questions on this topic, but none of them seems to be my question exactly, except for maybe this one, where the accepted answer does not work for me.

I am coding in Python with the MySQLdb module, and I want to put some text into a MySQL database. The database is configured for UTF-8, but the text occasionally contains non-UTF-8 four-byte-UTF-8 characters.

The Python code for the database modification looks like this:

connection = MySQLdb.connect(
cursor = connection.cursor()
    'update mytable set entryContent=%s where entryName=%s',
    (entryContent, entryName))

And it currently produces this warning:

./myapp.py:233: Warning: Invalid utf8 character string: 'F09286'
  (entry, word))
./myapp.py:233: Warning: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x92\x86\xB7\xF0\x92...' for column 'entry' at row 1
  (entryname, entrycontent))

When I look at what actually got into the database with the mysql command-line client, I see the content truncated at the very first occurrence of a non-UTF-8 four-byte UTF-8 character.

I don't care about preserving the non-UTF-8 four-byte UTF-8 characters, so all I want to do is replace all non-UTF-8 four-byte UTF-8 characters with some other valid UTF-8 character, so I can put the text into the database.

like image 825
davidrmcharles Avatar asked Mar 28 '16 19:03


2 Answers

You will need to set your table encoding to utf8mb4 to support 4 byte UTF-8 encoding - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/charset-unicode-utf8mb4.html

Also, the MySQL driver supports Unicode strings, so you should pass Unicode to free your code from encoding specifics:


cursor.execute(u'update mytable set entryContent=%s where entryName=%s',
(entryContent.decode("utf-8"), entryName.decode("utf-8")))

Ideally, entryContent and entryName will have been decoded to Unicode earlier in your code when you first receive them. E.g. when opening a file or receiving from the network.

like image 76
Alastair McCormack Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Alastair McCormack

Turns out the problem is not that I am feeding non-UTF-8 characters to MySQL, but that I am feeding four-byte UTF-8 characters to MySQL when it supports only three-(and fewer)byte UTF-8 characters (according to this documentation)

This solution retains all the supported UTF-8 characters, and converts the unsupported UTF-8 characters to '?':

>>> print ''.join([c if len(c.encode('utf-8')) < 4 else '?' for c in u'Cognates include Hittite π’†·π’€€π’ˆ π’€­ β€Ž(lāman)'])
Cognates include Hittite ???? β€Ž(lāman)
  • Notice that 'ā' is retained
  • Notice that 'π’†·π’€€π’ˆ π’€­' has become '????'

I can put this string into MySQL without the above warnings (and undesirable truncation).

like image 27
davidrmcharles Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09
