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In python 3.5, how do I compare a string variable with part of another string? [duplicate]

I'm currently learning Python and I have a question which I cannot find the answer too, currently I am trying to take a string variable given from the user and comparing it to part of another string. I want something like this:

Program: The given sentence is "I like chemistry", enter a word in the sentence given.

User: like

Program: Your word is in the sentence.

I can only seem to make a program using the if function and == but this only seems to recognize that the two strings are similar if I type the full sentence given by the program.

From the some of the answers I have changed my program to but there seems to be an error I cannot find.

sentence=("I like chemistry")
print("The given sentence is: ",sentence)
word=input("Give a word in the sentence: ").upper
while word not in sentence:
    word=input("Give a valid word in the sentence: ")
if word in sentence:
like image 620
python_learner Avatar asked May 12 '16 16:05


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1 Answers

You could use in together with split:

>>> s = "I like chemistry"
>>> words = s.split()
>>> "like" in words
>>> "hate" in words

The difference between this approach vs. using in against the non-split string is like this:

>>> "mist" in s
>>> "mist" in words

If you want arbitrary substrings then use simply w in s but is you want white-space delimited words then use w in words.

like image 125
John Coleman Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

John Coleman