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In postgresql, how can I return a boolean value instead of string on a jsonb key?


In the query below, $isComplete and $isValid are returned as a string. However, they are saved as boolean values. How can I get the boolean representation of these fields to be returned?

query =     "SELECT         data #>> '{id}' AS id,         data #>> '{name}' AS name,         data #>> '{curator}' AS curator,         data #>  '{$isValid}' as \"$isValid\",         data #>  '{customer}' as customer,         data #>  '{$createdTS}' as \"$createdTS\",         data #>  '{$updatedTS}' as \"$updatedTS\",         data #>  '{$isComplete}' as \"$isComplete\",         (count(keys))::numeric as \"numProducts\"     FROM       appointment_intakes,       LATERAL jsonb_object_keys(data #> '{products}') keys     GROUP BY id" 
like image 798
dipole_moment Avatar asked Oct 09 '15 15:10


People also ask

How do I query Jsonb data in PostgreSQL?

Querying the JSON document PostgreSQL has two native operators -> and ->> to query JSON documents. The first operator -> returns a JSON object, while the operator ->> returns text. These operators work on both JSON as well as JSONB columns. There are additional operators available for JSONB columns.

Is Jsonb a string?

Jsonb stores the data as binary code. Basically, it stores the data in binary form which is not an ASCII/ UTF-8 string.

Can you index Jsonb Postgres?

JSONB and Indexes PostgreSQL can use indexes for the text results as compare operands. GIN index can be used by the GIN JSONB operator class.

What is Jsonb data type in PostgreSQL?

The jsonb datatype is an advanced binary storage format with full processing, indexing and searching capabilities, and as such pre-processes the JSON data to an internal format, which does include a single value per key; and also isn't sensible to extra whitespace or indentation.

1 Answers

Simply cast a text to boolean:

create table jsonb_test (id int, data jsonb); insert into jsonb_test values (1, '{"is_boolean" : true}'), (2, '{"is_boolean" : false}');  select id, data, (data->>'is_boolean')::boolean as is_boolean from jsonb_test where (data->>'is_boolean')::boolean   id |          data          | is_boolean  ----+------------------------+------------   1 | {"is_boolean": true}   | t (1 row) 

Note that you can also cast other json text values to boolean, examples:

insert into jsonb_test values (3, '{"is_boolean" : "true"}'), (4, '{"is_boolean" : "false"}'), (5, '{"is_boolean" : "t"}'), (6, '{"is_boolean" : "f"}'), (7, '{"is_boolean" : "on"}'), (8, '{"is_boolean" : "off"}');  select id, data, (data->>'is_boolean')::boolean as is_boolean from jsonb_test where (data->>'is_boolean')::boolean   id |          data          | is_boolean  ----+------------------------+------------   1 | {"is_boolean": true}   | t   3 | {"is_boolean": "true"} | t   5 | {"is_boolean": "t"}    | t   7 | {"is_boolean": "on"}   | t (4 rows) 

Read about valid literals for boolean type in the documentation.


Postgres 11 adds casts from JSONB scalars to numeric and boolean data types. This query will work only for regular boolean JSONB scalars (i.e. true or false):

select id, data, (data->'is_boolean')::boolean as is_boolean from jsonb_test where (data->'is_boolean')::boolean 
like image 175
klin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
