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In Parse.com JS SDK, how to delete an element from inside an array of pointers?

Not the best moment to ask for a Parse.com question, but I have to keep working with parse for some months. Here is my question:

In Parse.com I'm using the Javascript SDK. I have an array of pointers to class User:

[{userObject1.id}, {userObject2.id}, {userObject3.id}]

how can I delete for example object {userObject2} from inside of the array when I just have the id of the object I want to remove?

Currently I'm removing the inside object by doing a forEach loop using array.splice(indexDelete, 1);. I'm looking for better solution.

var wasSomethingDeleted = 0;
var MyParseFollow = Parse.Object.extend('Follow');
var query = new Parse.Query(MyParseFollow);
query.equalTo("user", channelUser); // fetch all followers
    function (Follow) {
        if (Follow){
            if (Follow.get("followedBy").length > 0){ // check if there is any follower
                var listOfFollowers = Follow.get("followedBy"); // get the array of userObjects of followers
                var indexDelete = 0;
                    if( user.id == Parse.User.current().id ){ // I want to remove the current authenticated user
                        listOfFollowers.splice(indexDelete, 1); // remove the element
                if( wasSomethingDeleted > 0 ){
                    Follow.set('followedBy', listOfFollowers); // save new updated array list of followers
like image 296
lito Avatar asked Jan 29 '16 02:01


1 Answers

As per documentation of Parse js guide.Try this

var wasSomethingDeleted = 0;
var MyParseFollow = Parse.Object.extend('Follow');
var query = new Parse.Query(MyParseFollow);
query.equalTo("user", channelUser); // fetch all followers
    function (Follow) {
        if (Follow){
            if (Follow.get("followedBy").length > 0){ // check if there is any follower
                    Follow.remove('followedBy', {Parse.User.current().id}); //remove all instances of the current user from followedBy field.
like image 59
WitVault Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 10:01
