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In Mvc6, where is WriteAsync function?

I am following examples for creating middleware in Mvc6 and all of the examples use the WriteAsync function. Something like this:

if (HttpContext.Request.Path.Value == "/MyHttpHandler")
    HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync("This is my HttpHandler ...");

The error I get is: HttpResponse does not contain a definition for WriteAsync and no extension method 'WriteAsync' accepting a first argument of type HttpResponse could be found.

The project was creating in VS2017, Asp.Net 5 Template Web Application.

Project dependency:

"Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc": "6.0.0-rc1-final"

Where is the WriteAsync function?

like image 654
Sasha Palmer Avatar asked Apr 13 '16 12:04

Sasha Palmer

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2 Answers

Add dependency:

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions" Version="1.1.1" />

Then in source code add:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
like image 85
sify Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 23:12


one package is missing. please add this package "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions" and use the namespace "using Microsoft.AspNet.Http;" to get the intellisense in your code.

like image 27
Ashish Mishra Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 23:12

Ashish Mishra