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In MVC5 Why is placing @Scripts.Render below @RenderBody standard in _Layout.cshtml

When I generate a MVC5 app, the _Layout.cshtml has the @Scripts.Render at the end of the file after the @RenderBody(). If I add a .js into my index.cshtml that uses jquery, I get the dreaded "$ is undefined" error.

The only way I know to fix this is to move the @Scripts.Render to the <head> section.

What is the correct approach?

Thanks in advance!

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Michael Witt Avatar asked May 20 '14 22:05

Michael Witt

1 Answers

@Scripts.Render should be at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, you will have risks of accessing page elements which haven't been loaded at the time the scripts run.


If you want to include your custom scripts files, there are two ways of doing that:

1. In the BundleConfig.cs, add a new bundle for your scripts

 *bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/UserScripts").Include("~/Scripts/MyScripts.js"));*

Next, in the _Layout.cshtml, render the script bundle after jQuery bundle:


    @* Render the custom bundles *@

2. Or add a new script section to your Index.cshtml file:

@section scripts {

    <script src="~/Scripts/MyScripts.js"></script>**

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Toan Nguyen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

Toan Nguyen