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In MVC, does an ORM represent the model?

In MVC, is the ORM the same as the model or just a way the model can be designed? In other words, the "model" doesn't care how you get data as long as you get it. Or, does "model" imply that I no longer have a bunch of SQL statements in my code like in code behind forms? Something else?

Thank you.

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johnny Avatar asked May 07 '09 20:05


People also ask

What is ORM in MVC?

Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) which is a type of tool that simplifies mapping between objects in your software to the tables and columns of a relational database.

What is the model in the MVC?

The Model is the part of MVC which implements the domain logic. In simple terms, this logic is used to handle the data passed between the database and the user interface (UI). The Model is known as domain object or domain entity. The domain objects are stored under the Models folder in ASP.NET.

Why is ORM used?

ORM tools are popular with OOP developers because they minimize the amount of SQL knowledge required to connect a database to an application. ORMs also automatically generate the SQL code, allowing you to focus on generating business logic.

1 Answers

No, the ORM is the thing that maps a code-based model to your database and vice versa.

For basic CRUD apps, where your model in code is literally just DTOs that represent the database and you're loading, editing, and saving them, that's how you'd use it. If you do have a "proper" Domain Model, then it's a bit more complex because ideally you'd want to decouple the shape of the Domain Model classes from the shape of the database tables.

To elaborate, you would create your model in your code to represent the Domain Model (i.e. the various elements of your problem domain), build some sort of "memento" classes that are pure DTOs that you can convert your Domain Model classes from/into. Then configure an ORM (object relational mapper) to map those memento DTOs to a database. I.e. Generate SQL statements that will update the database based on the model objects you give to it.

I can understand some confusion, because there are tools (LINQ to SQL being one) that actually generate model classes in a designer for you. This isn't pure ORM, like NHibernate, where you provide the ORM plain old objects and some mapping configuration that it uses (often in conjunction with reflection) to automatically generate the SQL statements for the database. You could possibly get away with using EF Code First to map a Domain Model directly to the database, but I think in the end it may get messy as you try to make changes to one or the other.

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Neil Barnwell Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Neil Barnwell