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In memory sqlite always empty despite setup

I followed sitepoints Testing Symfony Apps with a Disposable Database Tutorial. I added Fixtures in my Testcase and no Errors appear during SetUp. If i add an Error in the Fixtures (e.g. leaving a nullable=false field empty) the Error is shown, so this code does definitely get executed.

My Config:

        default_connection: memory
                driver: pdo_sqlite
                memory: true
                charset: UTF8

My SetUp in my WebTestCase:

protected function setUp() {

Yet, in my WebTestCase it appears that no Tables exist. The output throws a Doctrine Exception saying my table does not exist.

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: my_user_table

If i switch to sql_lite in a file, everything works fine without any other changes:

    default_connection: file
            driver:   pdo_sqlite
            path:     %kernel.cache_dir%/test.db
            charset: UTF8

Anyone had success with said tutorial or using a sqlite memory db for unit tests and has any hints or ideas?

Update: I changed my Setup to this to ensure the kernel is not shut down in between. It did not help:

$this->client = $this->getClient();
like image 517
Andresch Serj Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 11:01

Andresch Serj

2 Answers

When you

$client->request(<METHOD>, <URL>);

which calls


After the request the kernel is shutdown by default, and your in-memory database is trashed.

If you call


in the setup() function of your test, this will behavior is disabled, and you can run the whole suite.

like image 152
Lighthart Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 07:11


I assume you call createClient() in your test functions. The very first thing that createClient() does is call static::bootKernel(). This basically means that the kernel you booted in your setUp() gets shut down and a new kernel is booted, with a fresh instance of the memory SQLite database.

You can move the createClient() call into your setUp(), replacing the bootKernel(), to avoid this:

class MyTest extends WebTestCase
    private $client = null;

    public function setUp()
        $this->client = static::createClient();
        // prime database

    public function testSomething()
        $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', '/');
        // ...
like image 33
aferber Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 06:11
