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In lua is there a way to bind an upvalue to a userdata value instead of a function?





In the following example a userdata value is created of type MyType and a table is created with a metafunction __tostring which calls LI_MyType__tostring. The code creates a closure-based lua OOP. My gripe with the example provided is it appears as though there is only one way to associate userdata with a method call, via upvalues. In and of itself, this isn't problematic unless I want to share the same metatable across instances.

In an ideal world - and what I'm hoping to unearth with this question - is there a way to associate an upvalue with a value (e.g. userdata) without associating it with a function call via an upvalue? I'm hoping there is a trick that will let me continue to use closure-based lua OOP and share the same metatable across instances. I'm not optimistic, but I figured I'd ask to see if someone has a suggestion or a non-obvious trick.

using FuncArray = std::vector<const ::luaL_Reg>;
static const FuncArray funcs = {
  { "__tostring", LI_MyType__tostring },

int LC_MyType_newInstance(lua_State* L) {
  auto userdata = static_cast<MyType*>(lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(MyType)));
  new(userdata) MyType();

  // Create the metatable
  lua_createtable(L, 0, funcs.size());     // |userdata|table|
  lua_pushvalue(L, -2);                    // |userdata|table|userdata|
  luaL_setfuncs(L, funcs.data(), 1);       // |userdata|table|
  lua_setmetatable(L, -2);                 // |userdata|
  return 1;

int LI_MyType__tostring(lua_State* L) {
  // NOTE: Blindly assume that upvalue 1 is my userdata
  const auto n = lua_upvalueindex(1);
  lua_pushvalue(L, n);                     // |userdata|
  auto myTypeInst = static_cast<MyType*>(lua_touserdata(L, -1));
  lua_pushstring(L, myTypeInst->str());    // |userdata|string|
  return 1;                                // |userdata|string|

I'm hoping there's a way of performing something like (this is pseudo-code!):

// Assume that arg 1 is userdata
int LI_MyType__tostring(lua_State* L) {
  const int stackPosition = -1;
  const int upvalueIndex = 1;
  const auto n = lua_get_USERDATA_upvalue(L, stackPosition, upvalueIndex);
  lua_pushvalue(L, n);                     // |userdata|
  auto myTypeInst = static_cast<MyType*>(lua_touserdata(L, -1));
  lua_pushstring(L, myTypeInst->str());    // |userdata|string|
  return 1;                                // |userdata|string|

I know this is similar to how things would be for the "normal" metatable style of OOP, but I want to keep things closure based and avoid introducing the colon syntax.

Another way of asking this question would be, is there a way to share metatables across userdata instances while using a closure-based OOP? Using lua's syntax from the scripting side of things, I don't think it's possible, but I'm hoping there's something that can be done on the C side of things.

UPDATE (2013-10-10): Based on @lhf's answer to use lua_setuservalue() and lua_getuservalue() the protocol I've settled on which allows me to reuse metatables is this:

  1. Register a single metatable object using luaL_newmetatable(). This metatable can now be shared across userdata instances because no upvalues are used when registering the metatable.
  2. Create a userdata value (lua_newuserdata()).
  3. Assign the correct metatable to the userdata value (lua_setmetatable()).
  4. Create and populate an instance method calls/attributes table with one upvalue, the userdata.
  5. Use lua_setuservalue() on userdata to store a reference to the per-instance attribute/method table.
  6. Change various metamethods (e.g. __index) to use the userdata's uservalue table.

As a consequence:

  • upvalues are never used in metamethods
  • upvalues are only used in a value's instance methods
  • there is only one extra table per instance of a given class

It's still not possible to escape creating a method/attribute table per userdata, but that overhead is nominal. It would be nice if obj.myMethod() would pass obj to function myMethod() somehow without using :, but that's exactly what : does because this isn't possible another way (unless you do make use of an upvalue).

like image 515
Sean Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 13:11


1 Answers

lua_setuservalue seems to be exactly what you need. There is also of course lua_getuservalue.

(I'm skipping the C++ code and answering the question in the title.)

like image 102
lhf Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11
