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In jQuery, $('body') can be selecting the body element, but $('body') can be just like $('some text'), so how to distinguish?

The reason is that we can do

$('<div>some text</div>').prependTo('#someDiv')

so, this is also ok to do:

$('some text').prependTo('#someDiv')

but we can't change some text to body? body is just as good as any text...

(the above code is adding some text to the div with id someDiv, so what if I want to add the word body to the div?)

but $('body') becomes a selector for the body element... so is there a rule that says, we can use any text as HTML code, so long as it is not the name of HTML elements?

like image 736
nonopolarity Avatar asked Jun 21 '10 09:06


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2 Answers

Basically this is never valid:

$('generic text here, *not* a selector or HTML');

That should always be either a selector (finding an element) or html (creating element(s)), you can view the API for $() here.

You want to use one of the other DOM Insertion methods here, .prepend() in this case:

$('#someDiv').prepend('any text or html here is valid, <b>Hey look bold</b>.');
like image 128
Nick Craver Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Nick Craver

If it contains html tags then it is treated as html (except it strips text before the first tag and after the last). eg $("<div>some text</div>"). Otherwise it is treated as a selector, eg $("some text").

like image 43
Sean Hogan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Sean Hogan