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In Job Postings, What Is .NET Programming?



My latest contract project successfully concluded a couple of weeks ago, and I've been pounding the job sites looking for new work. It's been six or seven years since I last really looked at these sites, so maybe the phrase, ".NET Programmer," or variants, has come to mean something. But, danged if I know what!

My primary language is C#. When developing web functionality, I use that along with ASP.NET, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. So, from my perspective, I have over six years of experience as a ".NET Programmer." Employers, or at least their HR departments, however, don't see it that way.

During initial phone calls, in response to how much .NET experience I have, I'll say six years of C# and ASP.NET. In the majority of cases, the interviewer responds with, "Yeah, but how much direct .NET programming?" At that point, I know I'm not going to get a substantive interview, because the screener and I aren't speaking the same language.

To me, .NET comprises the Framework and the Common Language Runtime. I am doing .NET programming when I use some language, in my case C#, to make use of the Framework to create an application, utility, or some web-functionality. And, the code I write runs in the CLR. If ".NET programming" means something beyond that, then I think of developing/updating the Framework classes and the CLR. So far as I know, however, that work is MS's exclusive domain. (Not speaking, of course, of inheritance, extension, overriding, etc.)

So, if not C# (or VB, J#, etc.) and ASP.NET, what does ".NET Programming" mean?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

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EoRaptor013 Avatar asked Mar 20 '09 23:03


People also ask

What does .NET programming mean?

. NET (pronounced dot net) is a framework that provides a programming guidelines that can be used to develop a wide range of applications–––from web to mobile to Windows-based applications. The . NET framework can work with several programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, C++ and F#.

What is .NET career?

. NET Developer is a computer science professional who possesses strong knowledge of computer programming languages. . NET Developers creates, designs and implements software applications using . NET platform technologies.

What is the job of a .NET developer?

A net developer is responsible for producing code using . net languages such as C# and VB. Net developers create applications from scratch, configure existing systems and provide user support. Also, net developers are able to write functional code with a sharp eye for spotting defects.

2 Answers

C# programming + asp.net is clearly part of .net programming.

What I don't get is why you are fighting the system, getting stuck at the wrong part of the process.

When they say "Yeah, but how much direct .NET programming?", given your experience you say: "I have over six years of experience in .Net Programming".

Update: If you keep getting that, why don't you say right from the first question "I have over six years of experience in .net programming", and if they ask which language(s) you tell "c#".

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eglasius Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


You're being more precise than they're asking for. They're requiring familiarity with a language or framework whereas you're focused on the purpose or task.

Look at it from another angle, "ANSI-C programming". All it means is that you've used the language, nothing more. Nothing's saying you did it in *nix or Windows, or that you wrote hardware controllers or business applications.

Human Resources typically have a checklist they're going through. They need (want) to hear the keywords that meets the items on that list. ".NET Programming? Check." It's once you're in the interview that you can elaborate.

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Some Canuck Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Some Canuck