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In JavaScript, what is the best way to convert a NodeList to an array?

The DOM method document.querySelectorAll() (and a few others) return a NodeList.

To operate on the list, e.g. using forEach(), the NodeList must first be converted to an Array.

What's the best way to convert the NodeList to an Array?

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cc young Avatar asked Sep 18 '11 05:09

cc young

People also ask

How do I turn querySelectorAll into an array?

You can convert it to an array by using the slice method from the Array prototype: var elList = document. querySelectorAll('. viewcount'); elList = Array.

Can we convert set to array in JavaScript?

By using Array. from() method: This method returns a new Array from an array like object or iterable objects like Map, Set, etc.

What is the difference between NodeList and array?

A NodeList may look like an array, but in reality, they both are two completely different things. A NodeList object is basically a collection of DOM nodes extracted from the HTML document. An array is a special data-type in JavaScript, that can store a collection of arbitrary elements.

2 Answers

With ES6 you can simply do:

const spanList = [...document.querySelectorAll("span")]; 
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Freezystem Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10


With ES6 you can use Array.from(myNodeList). Then use your favourite array method.

var myNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.my-selector');  // ALT 1 Array.from(myNodeList).forEach(function(el) {   console.log(el); }); 

Use an ES6 shim to make this work in older browsers too.

If you are using a transpiler (for example Babel) there are two more alternatives:

var myNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.my-selector');  // ALT 2 for (var el of myNodeList) {   el.classList.add('active'); // or some other action }  // ALT 3 [...myNodeList].forEach((el) => {   console.log(el); }); 
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sandstrom Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
