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In Javascript, How to determine if an object property exists and is not empty?


Suppose I have the next javascript object:

var errors = {
    error_1: "Error 1 description",
    error_2: "Error 2 description",
    error_3: "",
    error_4: "Error 4 description"

How can I determine if the property error_1 exists in the errors object and is not empty as well?

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Amr Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 00:02


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1 Answers

if (errors.hasOwnProperty('error_1') && errors['error_1'] )

The method hasOwnProperty can be used to determine whether an object has the specified property as a direct property of that object.

The errors[key] where key is a string value checks if the value exists and is not null

to Check if its not empty where it is a string then typeof errors['error_1'] === 'string' && errors['error_1'].length where you are checking for the length of a string


if (errors.hasOwnProperty('error_1') && typeof errors['error_1'] === 'string' && errors['error_1'].length)

Now, if you are using a library like underscore you can use a bunch of utility classes like _.isEmpty _.has(obj,key) and _.isString()

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AhmadAssaf Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10
