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In Java, how can I determine if a char array contains a particular character?


Here's what I have:

char[] charArray = new char[] {'h','e','l','l','o'};

I want to write something to the effect of:

if(!charArray contains 'q'){

I realize that .contains() can't be used here. I am just using "contains" to illustrate what I'm trying to do.

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Aei Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 22:09


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2 Answers

The following snippets test for the "not contains" condition, as exemplified in the sample pseudocode in the question. For a direct solution with explicit looping, do this:

boolean contains = false;
for (char c : charArray) {
    if (c == 'q') {
        contains = true;
if (!contains) {
    // do something

Another alternative, using the fact that String provides a contains() method:

if (!(new String(charArray).contains("q"))) {
    // do something

Yet another option, this time using indexOf():

if (new String(charArray).indexOf('q') == -1) {
    // do something
like image 50
Óscar López Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Óscar López

This method does the trick.

boolean contains(char c, char[] array) {
    for (char x : array) {
        if (x == c) {
            return true;
    return false;

Example of usage:

class Main {

    static boolean contains(char c, char[] array) {
        for (char x : array) {
            if (x == c) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static void main(String[] a) {
        char[] charArray = new char[] {'h','e','l','l','o'};
        if (!contains('q', charArray)) {
            // Do something...
            System.out.println("Hello world!");


Alternative way:

if (!String.valueOf(charArray).contains("q")) {
    // do something...
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ceklock Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10
