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In Java generic class, add extra generic constraints at constructor level?

I have an interface called Bar and a generic class Foo parameterized on a type that is a Bar:

class Foo<B extends Bar> { }

My class has a general purpose constructor that takes a Class and a Stream:

class Foo<B extends Bar> {
    B[] bs;
    Foo(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) { // General ctor
        bs = someFunctionOf(clazz, stream);

I'm trying to add a specialized constructor which is requires that its actual method parameter both is a Bar and an enum class such that I can call my general purpose constructor from the special constructor:

class Foo<B extends Bar> {
    B[] bs;
    Foo(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) { // General ctor
        bs = someFunctionOf(clazz, stream);
    // FIX THIS ----+
    //              |
    //              ˅
    Foo(Class<Something> clazz) { // Special ctor
        // Can we make this work so Something is a Bar and an enum
        // and we can call the other constructor like this?
        this(clazz, Arrays.stream(clazz.getEnumConstants());
like image 673
0xbe5077ed Avatar asked Dec 19 '17 14:12


1 Answers

Generally speaking, you can write generic constructors. We recently had a question about them, and how they might be useful. In this way, you could provide a constructor that takes as an argument a Class representing a class that both extends some specific other class and implements interface Bar:

class Foo<B extends Bar> {
    B[] bs;
    Foo(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) { // General ctor
        bs = someFunctionOf(clazz, stream);

    private B[] someFunctionOf(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) {
        return null;

    <T extends SomeClass & Bar> Foo(Class<T> clazz) {
        // ...

But that does not quite get you where you want to be, because the bounds of the constructor's type argument T need to be explicit types. Type variables such as the class's type parameter B do not serve, and without a way to connect T to B, the special generic constructor cannot invoke the general constructor.

But you can do this with a factory method instead of a special constructor:

class Foo<B extends Bar> {
    B[] bs;
    Foo(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) { // General ctor
        bs = someFunctionOf(clazz, stream);

    private B[] someFunctionOf(Class<B> clazz, Stream<B> stream) {
        return null;

    static <T extends Enum<T> & Bar> Foo<T> createEnumFoo(Class<T> clazz) {
        return new Foo<>(clazz, Arrays.stream(clazz.getEnumConstants()));
like image 59
John Bollinger Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

John Bollinger