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In highcharts's stacked bar chart, how can I remove the white space between different



I have a stacked bar using highcharts. From the jsfiddle example, you can see that there is a white line between the green and blue? Is it possible to remove this? It triggers some issues in pdf.


labels: {
    formatter: function () {
    return this.value;
    style: {
           color: 'black',
           fontFamily: 'DINPro',
           fontSize: '7.76px',
           fontWeight: 'normal'
like image 638
daxu Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 10:03


1 Answers

This can be removed with the plotOptions.bar.borderWidth parameter. It defaults to 1px. You can set it like this to remove the border:

plotOptions: {
    series: {
        stacking: 'normal',
        borderWidth: 0
    animation: false
like image 57
wergeld Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 01:03
