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In Gradle, how to print out a message in the console / Event Log?

I'm trying to verify that my source and target paths are properly setup when I execute a deploy command.

See the example below:
(copied from: http://eppz.eu/blog/unity-android-plugin-tutorial-2/)

android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->     // Task names.     String variantName = "${variant.name.capitalize()}"; // Like 'Debug'     String deployTaskGroup = "plugin";     String deployTaskName = "deploy${variantName}PluginArchive"; // Like 'deployDebugPluginArchive'     String dependencyTaskName = "assemble${variantName}"; // Like 'assembleDebug'     // Source.     String sourceAARFolder = "${buildDir.getPath()}/outputs/aar/";     String sourceAARName = "${project.name}-${variant.name}.aar";     // Target.     String targetAssetFolder = "Assets/Plugins/My Plugin";     String targetAARFolder = "${rootDir.getPath()}/../../${targetAssetFolder}"; // Navigate into 'Assets'     String targetAARName = "My Plugin Android.aar"; // The form you ship your plugin      String targetProjDir = System.env.UNITY_PROJECT; // <-- Need to confirm this line!     //Log.i(targetProjDir); //??????????? something like this?      // Create task.     task(deployTaskName, dependsOn: dependencyTaskName, type: Copy) {         from(sourceAARFolder)         into(targetAARFolder)         include(sourceAARName)         rename(sourceAARName, targetAARName)     }.group = deployTaskGroup; } 

Is there any way to display the above targetProjDir string variable to some sort of console, or the Event Log in Android Studio (assuming that is it's console's name)?

like image 591
chamberlainpi Avatar asked Nov 30 '16 01:11


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1 Answers

Gradle utilizes a logging framework. You can log messages to that. By default, only log level lifecycle and above are shown, but you can log at other levels such as debug and info.

To log at debug level (visible with builds using gradle --debug or lower)

project.logger.debug('my debug message') 

To log at info level (visible with gradle --info builds and lower)

project.logger.info('my info message') 

To log at lifecycle level (visible by default)

project.logger.lifecycle('my message visible by default') 
like image 189
JBirdVegas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
