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In Excel VBA, how can I test if an Excel.Range object variable loses its reference without raising runtime error 424..?




In Excel VBA, if a variable is Excel.Range, and the range it refers to is deleted, it loses its reference. Any attempt to access the variable results in Runtime Error 424: object required.

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheet1Range("A1")
Sheet1.Rows(1).Delete       'Range has been deleted.
Debug.Print rng.Address()   'Any access attempt now raises runtime error 424.

Is there a way to test for this state of "lost reference" without an error handler..?

Testing Nothing, Vartype(), and Typename() were all not useful because the variable is still a Range. I literally read through all of Excel.Application in the Object browser, but found nothing. Perhaps there's something I'm overlooking..? Such as one of those strange vestigial functions from prehistoric versions of Excel, like ExecuteExcel4Macro()..?

I've searched Google for the answer to this question, but didn't find anything helpful.


Some have asked why I'm trying to avoid an error handler. This is my normal programming philosophy for a couple reasons:

  • I do recognize that sometimes an error handler is the quickest way, or the only way. But it's not the most elegant way. It just seems, well...crude to me. It's like the difference between white-washing a picket fence and painting a portrait of my cat. =-)
  • The other reason I avoid error handlers is education. Many times when searching for an alternative, I'll discover properties, procedures, objects, or even entire libraries that I never knew before. And in doing so I find more armor with which to bulletproof my code.
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spinjector Avatar asked Jan 28 '19 18:01


People also ask

How do you check if a range of cells is empty in Excel VBA?

To check if a cell is empty you can use VBA's ISEMPTY function. In this function, you need to use the range object to specify the cell that you want to check, and it returns true if that cell is empty, otherwise false. You can use a message box or use a cell to get the result.

What is run time error 424 in VBA?

In rare cases, this error occurs when you have a valid object but are attempting to perform an invalid action on the object. For example, you may receive this error if you try to assign a value to a read-only property. Check the object's documentation and make sure the action you are trying to perform is valid.

How do I fix error 424?

The error is caused by a function being called on a reference you've either misspelled, or have not declared. The solution is to ensure you have all the appropriate references declared within your code.

1 Answers

Here's an approach that should be able to workaround the issue, although it isn't a great solution for checking if it was removed by itself. I think error handling is probably your best approach.

Sub Example()
    Dim foo1 As Range
    Dim foo2 As Range
    Dim foo3 As Range
    Dim numberOfCells As Long

    Set foo1 = Sheet1.Range("A1")
    Set foo2 = foo1.Offset(1, 0) 'Get the next row, ensure this cell exists after row deletion!
    Set foo3 = Union(foo1, foo2)
    numberOfCells = foo3.Cells.Count

    Debug.Print "There are " & numberOfCells & " cells before deletion"

    Debug.Print "There are now " & foo3.Cells.Count & " cells"

    If foo3.Cells.Count <> numberOfCells Then
        Debug.Print "One of the cells was deleted!"
        Debug.Print "All cells still exist"
    End If
End Sub

Also, here is a more function oriented approach which may be a slightly better approach to add to your codebase. Again, not ideal, but it should not require an error handler.

Private getRange As Range

Sub Example()
    Dim foo         As Range
    Dim cellCount   As Long

    Set foo = Sheet1.Range("A1")
    cellCount = GetCellCountInUnion(foo)

    If Not cellCount = getRange.Cells.Count Then
        Debug.Print "The cell was removed!"
        Debug.Print "The cell still exists!"
    End If

End Sub

Private Function GetCellCountInUnion(MyRange As Range) As Long
    Set getRange = Union(MyRange, MyRange.Parent.Range("A50000")) ‘second cell in union is just a cell that should exist
    GetCellCountInUnion = getRange.Cells.Count
End Function
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Ryan Wildry Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Ryan Wildry