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In Eclipse, can I make Open With In-Place Editor the default option?

I need to spend a lot of time manipulating ridiculous amounts of Excel data and often find myself with a dozen or more Excel workbooks open in several different instances of Excel, making it very difficult to find the worksheet I want at any given time.

I came to the realization that I could tone down this madness by using Eclipse by opening the both excel files and csv files with the "In-Place" editor.

However, I can't figure out how to make the in-place editor the default editor. Any ideas?

(Alternatively, is there a way I can add a file-explorer panel and tabs to excel to give it similar functionality.)

like image 639
Brian Kessler Avatar asked May 25 '11 16:05

Brian Kessler

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1 Answers

You can go to Window->Preferences->Editors->File Associations and associate *.csv file with the Text Editor. Then set it as the default editor. Unfortunately it seems just clicking the csv file does not open it. Selecting the file and clicking F3 works though.

like image 191
ganime Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09
