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In closure, what triggers a new instance of the captured variable?




I'm reading Jon Skeet's C# in Depth.

On page 156 he has an example, Listing 5.13 "Capturing multiple variable instantiations with multiple delegates".

List<ThreadStart> list = new List<ThreadStart>();

for(int index=0; index < 5; index++;)
    int counter = index*10;

foreach(ThreadStart t in list)



In the explanation after this listing, he says "each of the delegate instances has captured a different variable in this case."

I understand this well enough because I understand that each time you close over a variable the compiler generates IL that encapsulates it in a new class made specifically to allow that variable to be captured (essentially making it a reference type so that the value it is referring to doesn't get destroyed with the stack frame of the currently executing scope).

But then he talks about what would have happened had we captured index directly instead of creating the counter variable - "all the delegates would have shared the same variable".

This I don't understand. Isn't index in the same scope as counter? Why would the compiler not also create a new instance of index for each delegate?

Note: I think I figured it out as I typed this question, but I will leave the question up here for posterity. I think the answer is that index is actually in a different scope as counter. Index is essentially declared "outside" the for loop...it is the same variable every time.

Taking a look at the IL generated for a for loop, it proves the variables are declared outside the loop (length and i were variables declared in the for loop declaration).

.locals init (
    [0] int32 length,
    [1] int32 i,
    [2] bool CS$4$0000

IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: stloc.0
IL_0004: ldc.i4.0
IL_0005: stloc.1
IL_0006: br.s IL_001b
// loop start (head: IL_001b)
    IL_0008: nop
    IL_0009: ldloca.s i
    IL_000b: call instance string [mscorlib]System.Int32::ToString()
    IL_0010: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
    IL_0015: nop
    IL_0016: nop
    IL_0017: ldloc.1
    IL_0018: ldc.i4.1
    IL_0019: add
    IL_001a: stloc.1

    IL_001b: ldloc.1
    IL_001c: ldloc.0
    IL_001d: clt
    IL_001f: stloc.2
    IL_0020: ldloc.2
    IL_0021: brtrue.s IL_0008
// end loop

One thing I think the book might have done better regarding this subject is really explain what the compiler is doing, because all this "magic" makes sense if you understand that the compiler is wrapping the closed over variable in a new class.

Please correct any misconceptions or misunderstandings I might have. Also, feel free to elaborate on and/or add to my explanation.

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richard Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 18:11


1 Answers

It sounds like you've worked out the answer - you don't get a new index instance each time round the loop. If you consider the ways you're allowed to modify the index value inside the loop - eg. you can increment it if you want to skip items, set it back to zero in some cases, or anything else you like - it should be clear that you've only got one instance of index, not a new one for every iteration.

On the other hand, a new counter is created on every iteration - if you made a change to it at the bottom of that loop, it would have no effect on the counter variable that the next iteration uses.

foreach loops used to reuse their loop variable, in the same way as for loops, and this was a common gotcha for people - see Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach?

Eric Lippert explains that they've changed foreach in C# 5 to get a new variable every time, and also that they're leaving for as-is.

like image 166
Neil Vass Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 09:11

Neil Vass