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In C# how can I create an IEnumerable<T> class with different types of objects>

In C# how can I create an IEnumerable<T>class with different types of objects

For example:

Public class Animals

Public class dog{}

Public class cat{}

Public class sheep{}


I want to do some thing like:

Foreach(var animal in Animals)
Print animal.nameType
like image 300
Milligran Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 15:07


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2 Answers

public class Animal {


public class Dog : Animal {


public class Cat : Animal {


List<Animal> animals = new List<Animal>();

animals.Add(new Dog());
animals.Add(new Cat());

You can then iterate over the collection via:

foreach (var animal in animals) {
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Darren Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10


another approach if you wanted a named collection (instead of using a a List<T>):

// animal classes
public class Animal
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public Animal() : this("Unknown") {}
    public Animal(String name) { this.Name = name; }
public class Dog : Animal
    public Dog() { this.Name = "Dog"; }
public class Cat : Animal
    public Cat() { this.Name = "Cat"; }

// animal collection
public class Animals : Collection<Animal>



void Main()
    // establish a list of animals and populate it
    Animals animals = new Animals();
    animals.Add(new Animal());
    animals.Add(new Dog());
    animals.Add(new Cat());
    animals.Add(new Animal("Cheetah"));

    // iterate over these animals
    foreach (var animal in animals)

Here you extend off the foundation of Collection<T> which implements IEnumerable<T> (so foreach and other iterating methods work from it).

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Brad Christie Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10

Brad Christie