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In bootstrap .pull-right for align right .pull-left for align left then What for center? [duplicate]

In bootstrap .pull-right for align right .pull-left for align left then What for center ?

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Munasir Pv Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 10:09

Munasir Pv

People also ask

How do I center align text in bootstrap?

Add class . text-center to the parent div to align text or any item inside to the center. You can also decide how the alignment should look like on the specific screen sizes.

How do I align something to the right in bootstrap?

Bootstrap allows us to align elements by using the utility class float. As we want to align the button to the right side of the text box, we have to use the float-right class.

How do you left and right align text within a div in bootstrap 5?

Answer: Use the justify-content-between Class You can simply use the class . justify-content-between in combination with the class . d-flex to left align and right align text content within a <div> container in Bootstrap 4.

3 Answers

Bootstrap's .pull-left and .pull-right, work using css-float.

The way float works is by flowing following inline elements around the floated element.

css-float support: left, right, none. There is no center option. Therefore, there is no .pull-center.

You can align all inline elements within a block element by applying the css: text-align: center to the parent.

If the element is you're trying to center should be inline AND block-like, you should set it to have display: inline-block.

You can see some text-alignment options in bootstrap here: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#type-alignment Note that the <p> is a block-type element, and the text within has an implicit text-node which is display: inline.

The center-block class can only be used on images: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#images

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Norbert Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


center-block for centering an element in Bootstrap.

You can test by an image:

<img class="center-block" src="xxx.PNG"/ >
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Mr. Perfectionist Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Mr. Perfectionist

try center-block or use grid columns to center your element. If text use text-center

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MAREESKANNNAN RAJENDRAN Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09