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In BigQuery, is there any way to see all queries across all users?

Currently my role is owner, but I'm not seeing a way to view all queries across all users. I'm mainly interested in seeing bytes processed for each successful query. Without this ability, it makes it really hard to determine where the costs are coming from without asking each user individually. Is there a way to do this through the UI or the CLI command?

like image 736
Matthew Ratzloff Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 00:06

Matthew Ratzloff

People also ask

Where are BigQuery saved queries?

In the Google Cloud console, open the BigQuery page. In the Explorer panel, expand your project. Expand Saved queries. If your query is a project-level saved query, also expand Project queries.

How many concurrent queries can BigQuery handle?

Your project can run up to 100 concurrent interactive queries.

What is materialized view in BigQuery?

In BigQuery, materialized views are precomputed views that periodically cache the results of a query for increased performance and efficiency. BigQuery leverages precomputed results from materialized views and whenever possible reads only delta changes from the base tables to compute up-to-date results.

2 Answers

In the CLI, you can run bq ls -j -a to retrieve jobs for all users in a project. I don't think this command returns the bytes processed for a successful query, but a bq show on the successful queries' job IDs would retrieve the relevant information.

Using the API directly, you can specify the allUsers parameter to a jobs.list request.

There is no way to view this information in the web UI at present.

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Danny Kitt Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Danny Kitt

Danny Kitt's answer got me part of the way there. Here's one of the Ruby scripts I wrote that ultimately gave me what I wanted. Should be easy enough to port to the language of your choice.


require "json"
require "time"


jobs_json = `bq ls --format json --jobs --all --max_results #{MAX_RESULTS}`
jobs = JSON.parse(jobs_json)

users = {}
jobs.each do |job|
    if job["Job Type"] == "query" and job["State"] == "SUCCESS"
        job_data_json = `bq show --format=json --job #{job["jobId"]}`
    job_data = JSON.parse(job_data_json)
    creation_time = Time.at(job_data["statistics"]["creationTime"][0..-4].to_i)
    user = job_data["user_email"]
    bytes_processed = job_data["statistics"]["totalBytesProcessed"].to_i
    if bytes_processed > 0
      users[user] = 0 unless users.key?(user)
      users[user] += bytes_processed
      puts "[#{creation_time}] #{user}: #{bytes_processed} (running total: #{users[user]})"
      # puts job_data["configuration"]["query"]["query"]

puts "\nFINAL:\n"

users.each do |user, bytes_processed|
  puts "#{user}: #{bytes_processed}"
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Matthew Ratzloff Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Matthew Ratzloff