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In Azure Cosmos DB, can we change partition key later on once we decided at the beginning

I am new to Cosmos DB and I noticed that we can set the partition key based on needs to scale effectively through code like this:

DocumentCollection myCollection = new DocumentCollection();
myCollection.Id = "coll";

Question is can we change the partition key later on after we created the collection and specified the partition key? As I may find out that the choice of partition key is not proper later.

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Mike Avatar asked Jul 18 '17 18:07


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We can't change the partition key for this container anymore. You can only set it when you create a new container. If you do need to change a partition key, you need to create a new container and migrate your data to that one. A partition key consists of a path.

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In this lab, you will create multiple Azure Cosmos DB containers. Some of the containers will be unlimited and configured with a partition key, while others will be fixed-sized. You will then use the SQL API and Java Async SDK to query specific containers using a single partition key or across multiple partition keys.

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1 Answers

Changing the partition key is not supported (see e.g. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cosmos-db/replace-a-collection). You would need to create a new collection.

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quervernetzt Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
