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In Angularjs, how to update table data after deleting a row from it

I am using the angularjs to call Asp.net Web API. After I delete a row from the table?

I also did not find the solution in w3schools.

My HTML code

 <tr ng-repeat="user in users | filter: search">
     <td>{{ user.Id }}</td>
     <td>{{ user.FullName }}</td>
     <td>{{ user.Mobile }}</td>
     <td>{{ user.Birthdate }}</td>
     <td>{{ user.Gender }}</td>
     <td>{{ user.AcademicLevel }}</td>


My Angularjs code

$scope.DeleteUser = function (id) {
    UserID = $scope.users[id].Id;
    $http.delete('/api/users/' + UserID).success(function (data) {
       (function (data) {
        $scope.error = "error " + data;


I searched in Stackoverflow, I found some of these where they did not work for me, they confused me.

like image 818
Diamond Avatar asked Jun 15 '15 14:06


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2 Answers

First of all, handling server requests in your controller is a bad idea. As a rule of thumb, use services to delegate calls to the server, and use the controller for "gluing" up your models to your view.

There are a few issues in your code, it should look something like this:

$scope.DeleteUser = function (id) {
    var userId = $scope.users[id].Id;
    $http.delete('/api/users/' + userId)
          .success(function (data) {
             $scope.error = "error " + data;

Even if the call to the server was successful, you never updated your front-end model. What you have read on other topics regarding $scope.refresh(), I suppose that has the purpose of fetching the data again, like so:

$scope.refresh = function(){
               $scope.users = data;

So in order the refresh your view, you must update your model.

$scope.DeleteUser = function (id) {
    var userId = $scope.users[id].Id;
    $http.delete('/api/users/' + userId)
          .success(function (data) {
             //either this
             //or this
like image 123
Rus Paul Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Rus Paul

Two solutions : once you've performed your deletion, remove the user from the users array by doing a slice :

$scope.DeleteUser = function (index) {
    var UserID = $scope.users[index].Id;
    $http.delete('/api/users/' + UserID).then(function(del) {

You can get the index of the user by using $index in your ng-repeat but as your code may be asynchronous this is not recommended.

Or, you can just make another get from your API once your deletion is resolved.

$scope.DeleteUser = function (index) {
    var UserID = $scope.users[index].Id;
    $http.delete('/api/users/' + UserID).then(function(del) {
            $scope.users = data;

But... What if the person who's using your application is deleting users faster than your API is able to ?

First solution will fail for sure, and the second will hardly maintain you DOM clean as long as all requests came back in the same order they were sent.
One solution is to prevent any request to the API as long as another is already pending.

In JavaScript as Functions are in fact executable Objects they can have properties. So we'll add a isBusy property to the DeleteUser function to know when it is already processing.

$scope.DeleteUser = function (index) {
        var UserID = $scope.users[id].Id;
        $scope.DeleteUser.isBusy = true;

        $http.delete('/api/users/' + UserID).then(function(del) {
            $scope.DeleteUser.isBusy = false;


Update code to use .then() on $http promise object as .success() is now deprecated.

like image 25
Freezystem Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09
