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In android studio, how to open multiple projects in one window?

I am trying out google's android studio. In eclipse, I can open multiple projects under one window. Is that a way to do this in android studio?

like image 908
carXJY Avatar asked May 16 '13 17:05


2 Answers

That is not true. A project in IDEA is not like a workspace. Think about this: you set the minSDK, target and maxSDK to the project, it has some configuration for the project. But the workspace dont have any configuration.

The project is just a project, but can have multiple packages like in eclipse. That's all.

like image 197
Sterling Diaz Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 15:01

Sterling Diaz

Yes you can open Multiple Projects in a single Environment

Step1: Go to your project Settings.gradle File


`include ':projectName'`

project(':projectName').projectDir = new File(rootDir, '../projectPath')

Step3: Sync gradle file

like image 30
Tahir Fazal Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 16:01

Tahir Fazal