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In a github actions workflow, is there a way to have multiple jobs reuse the same setup?

I recently hooked up my project with github actions for continuous integration. I created two separate jobs: the first one checks if the code in the pull request is accepted by our linter, and the second one checks if the code passes the test suite. I like that having two jobs like this shows up as two separate checkmarks in the Github webpage for the pull request:

enter image description here

The problem I'm having now is that there is some duplicated code in workflow YAML file: the first 3 steps, which install Lua and Luarocks. Not only is it annoying to maintain, but it also wastes CI minutes by running the same actions twice. Is there a way to avoid this? So that the setup code is only written in one place, and only runs once when the workflow executes?

But I am confused what would be the proper way to proceed:

  1. Should I create my own Github Action with the shared setup code?
  2. Should I create a Docker image that already has Lua and Luarocks pre-installed?
  3. Should I use a single job? Can I still have independent checkmarks for the linter and the test suite if they are steps of the same job?
  4. Something else?

Here is the current YAML file for my workflow:

name: Github Actions CI  on: [ pull_request ]  jobs:     lint:         name: Lint         runs-on: ubuntu-latest         steps:             - uses: actions/checkout@v2             - uses: leafo/[email protected]             - uses: leafo/[email protected]              - run: luarocks install luacheck             - run: ./run-linter.sh      test:         name: Test         runs-on: ubuntu-latest         steps:             - uses: actions/checkout@v2             - uses: leafo/[email protected]             - uses: leafo/[email protected]              - run: luarocks install busted             - run: ./build-project.sh             - run: ./run-test-suite.sh 

I tried searching for similar questions but couldn't find anything that exactly answered my question:

  1. Caching APT packages in GitHub Actions workflow: I can't use this solution because I don't have a way to precisely specify all the versions of all the dependencies that I am using, so that they may be cached. I also don't mind if separate runs of the workflow are not cached. I'm more worried about the code duplication.
  2. Github actions share workspace/artifacts between jobs? I don't want to have to manage uploading uploading artifacts to a separate service and then deleting them afterwards.
  3. Reuse portion of github action across jobs: In that question the only difference between the jobs is a single variable, so accepted answer is to use a build matrix. But I don't think a build matrix would work as well in my case, where only the setup code is the same?
like image 470
hugomg Avatar asked Dec 10 '20 21:12


People also ask

Can we have multiple jobs in GitHub Actions?

You can run an unlimited number of jobs as long as you are within the workflow usage limits. For more information, see "Usage limits and billing" for GitHub-hosted runners and "About self-hosted runners" for self-hosted runner usage limits.

Can a reusable workflow call another reusable workflow?

You can only have a reusable workflow call another reusable workflow, but you can't have it reference more than one.

Do GitHub Actions jobs run in parallel?

You can configure a GitHub Actions workflow to be triggered when an event occurs in your repository, such as a pull request being opened or an issue being created. Your workflow contains one or more jobs which can run in sequential order or in parallel.

1 Answers

As of today (August 2021) composite action is no longer limited to run. GitHub Actions: Reduce duplication with action composition

name: "Publish to Docker" description: "Pushes built artifacts to Docker"  inputs:   registry_username:     description: “Username for image registry”     required: true   registry_password:     description: “Password for image registry”     required: true  runs:   using: "composite"   steps:       - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1        - uses: docker/login-action@v1         with:           username: ${{inputs.registry_username}}           password: ${{inputs.registry_password}}        - uses: docker/build-push-action@v2         with:           context: .           push: true           tags: user/app:latest 

Old Answer

What you are looking for is composite action which help you reuse once defined set of steps.

jobs:     lint:         name: Lint         runs-on: ubuntu-latest         steps:             - uses: octocat/say-hello@v1              - run: luarocks install luacheck             - run: ./run-linter.sh      test:         name: Test         runs-on: ubuntu-latest         steps:             - uses: octocat/say-hello@v1              - run: luarocks install busted             - run: ./build-project.sh             - run: ./run-test-suite.sh 


runs:   using: "composite"   steps:      - run: echo "Nice to meet you!"       shell: pwsh 

For more details you can also check's ADR here.

And why you can't simply run it once for all jobs, because each job may run on a different machine.

A job is a set of steps that execute on the same runner. By default, a workflow with multiple jobs will run those jobs in parallel. You can also configure a workflow to run jobs sequentially. For example, a workflow can have two sequential jobs that build and test code, where the test job is dependent on the status of the build job. If the build job fails, the test job will not run.

like image 89
Krzysztof Madej Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Krzysztof Madej