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In a Flask app, how to print each item of a list in the new paragraphs inside my HTML page [closed]

I'm building a Flask app which is supposed to return all the items in a list as a new line in the HTML page.
For example:

list = [1,2,3,4]

I want to print each item in list as a new paragraph in my HTML page, like here:

like image 969
Abhishek Gupta Avatar asked Sep 20 '15 08:09

Abhishek Gupta

1 Answers

You should better follow the flaskr tutorial on flask web site. It can give you the idea how to pass local variables to the template.

def your_view():
    your_list= [1,2,3,4]
    return render_template('your_view.html', your_list=your_list)

then in your jinja template, iterate over this list.

  {% for your_list_element in your_list %}
      <p>{{ your_list_element }} </p>
  {% endfor %}
like image 173
marmeladze Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
