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Improve YouTube thumbnail quality?

YouTube thumbnails are appearing terrible when embedded in a webpage via the iFrame code. Once the video starts playing, the quality looks absolutely fine.

Here's an example video: http://jsfiddle.net/x5829/

Before Playing - Bad Quality Thumbnail YouTube Embedded iFrame Bad Quality Thumbnail

While Playing - Good Quality YouTube Embedded iFrame Good Quality

For whatever reason, it seems to be using the hqdefault.jpg quality image, rather than the maxresdefault.jpg which would be far greater quality.

I've tried increasing the iFrame dimensions to 1280x720, and even higher, and nothing seems to make a difference.

Can anything be done, perhaps with the JavaScript API, to force the thumbnail quality to use? All the videos we use will be 720p, guaranteed.

As a final note (I don't think this is important), we're uploading the video using the YouTube API (V3), then setting the thumbnail via the API. But the same thing happens when using an auto-generated thumbnail chosen by YouTube.

Edit - I wondered if this would improve with time, thought maybe YouTube would optimise it over say 24 hours, but several days later it's still the same.

Edit 2 - As far as I'm aware, the iFrame is still Google's "recommended" method of embedding videos on a site, so that they'll work on mobile devices as well.

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BT643 Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 13:03


People also ask

Can YouTube thumbnails be 1080p?

Q. 2 Can a YouTube Thumbnail be 1920x1080? Ans: Yes your YouTube thumbnail can be 1920x1080, but your image may look pixelated and this may affect your video playback on YouTube. So it is recommended that you stick to the 1280x720p dimensions.

1 Answers

I had a similar issue and came up with this solution:

  • make an image that contains the high res thumbnail (from url)
  • make an iframe underneath (using z-index) with desired resolution
  • align both of these using position:absolute
  • surround both by link that will make image disappear on hover

    .thumbnail-link .video-thumbnail{
    .thumbnail-link:hover .video-thumbnail{

On hover the lower quality thumbnail will show, however the youtube play button will be more prominent. Also, it will appear to look like the background is sort of being blurred.

Let me know your thoughts.

example: http://jsfiddle.net/d9D9E/1/

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koziez Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10
