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Importing vue typescript type definitions

I am trying to reference the typescript definitions for vue in my main file entry.ts.

Here is 'entry.ts' located at src/js/entry,ts, the type definition for vue is located at src/js/lib/bower/vue/types/index.d.ts

/// <reference path='./lib/typings/jquery.d.ts' />
/// <reference path='./lib/bower/vue/types/index.d.ts' />

let data: Object = {},
    app: Vue = new Vue({
        data: data,
        el: '#app'

class Test {
    private id: string;
    constructor(id: string) {
        this.id = id;
    public getElement(): any {
        return $(this.id);
console.log(new Test('asdf').getElement());

When this file gets compiled, the output is as follows. BTW typescript is targeting es6 with es6 modules.

[steventheevil@Steven-PC webdev-starter]$ tsc
src/js/entry.ts(5,10): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Vue'.
src/js/entry.ts(5,20): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Vue'.

The JQuery works fine (it looks like), so I replace the reference to the vue type definition with an import.

/// <reference path='./lib/typings/jquery.d.ts' />
import * as Vue from './lib/bower/vue/types/index';

let data: Object = {},
    app: Vue = new Vue({
        data: data,
        el: '#app'

class Test {
    private id: string;
    constructor(id: string) {
        this.id = id;
    public getElement(): any {
        return $(this.id);
console.log(new Test('asdf').getElement());

It compiles fine, here's the output:

import * as Vue from '../../src/js/lib/bower/vue/types/index';
let data = {}, app = new Vue({
    data: data,
    el: '#app'
class Test {
    constructor(id) {
        this.id = id;
    getElement() {
        return $(this.id);
console.log(new Test('asdf').getElement());

The problem is that the import statement for the type definition is not removed. This causes an error later when I use rollup with babel (I don't use the rollup plugin for ts because I need to manipulate the files between rollup and ts). How do I tell the typescript compiler to remove imports for type definitions (.d.ts files)?

Here's the type definition for vue (src/jslib/bower/vue/types/index.d.ts)

import * as V from "./vue";
import * as Options from "./options";
import * as Plugin from "./plugin";
import * as VNode from "./vnode";

// `Vue` in `export = Vue` must be a namespace
// All available types are exported via this namespace
declare namespace Vue {
  export type CreateElement = V.CreateElement;

  export type Component = Options.Component;
  export type AsyncComponent = Options.AsyncComponent;
  export type ComponentOptions<V extends Vue> = Options.ComponentOptions<V>;
  export type FunctionalComponentOptions = Options.FunctionalComponentOptions;
  export type RenderContext = Options.RenderContext;
  export type PropOptions = Options.PropOptions;
  export type ComputedOptions<V extends Vue> = Options.ComputedOptions<V>;
  export type WatchHandler<V extends Vue> = Options.WatchHandler<V>;
  export type WatchOptions = Options.WatchOptions;
  export type DirectiveFunction = Options.DirectiveFunction;
  export type DirectiveOptions = Options.DirectiveOptions;

  export type PluginFunction<T> = Plugin.PluginFunction<T>;
  export type PluginObject<T> = Plugin.PluginObject<T>;

  export type VNodeChildren = VNode.VNodeChildren;
  export type VNodeChildrenArrayContents = VNode.VNodeChildrenArrayContents;
  export type VNode = VNode.VNode;
  export type VNodeComponentOptions = VNode.VNodeComponentOptions;
  export type VNodeData = VNode.VNodeData;
  export type VNodeDirective = VNode.VNodeDirective;

// TS cannot merge imported class with namespace, declare a subclass to bypass
declare class Vue extends V.Vue {}

export = Vue;

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

like image 765
StevenDoesStuffs Avatar asked Nov 26 '16 02:11


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You should also be familiar with Vue, vue-loader, and webpack. Vue 2 already has good support for TypeScript, and the recently published Vue 2.7 backported a lot of useful features from Vue 3, like composition API, <script setup> , and defineComponent , further improving the developer experience of TypeScript in Vue.

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In order to use TypeScript in this component, you will need to add a lang attribute to the script tag of your component. The value of that attribute should be ts . When using TypeScript in single-file Vue components, the Vue library must be imported so you can extend from it.

1 Answers

I stumbled upon this question when trying to figure out how to import VNode from my typescript code.

Perhaps my answer would help someone facing the same issue.

The type definitions are provided at vue/types. Import the required interfaces or classes from there.

Using VNode as example:

// main.ts
import Vue from 'vue';
import { VNode } from 'vue/types';
import App from './App.vue';

new Vue({
  render: (h): VNode => h(App),

Vue version used: 2.6.10.

like image 130
Antony Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
