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Importing test classes into Scala console in sbt?


I am building a Scala project in the standard directory layout using sbt. I want to run sbt console and import my unit tests so that I can play with them in the Scala REPL. What is the easiest way to do this? Is there a command I can pass to sbt, or something I can add to build.sbt?

Note that I don't necessarily want to run unit tests from the sbt console. (Though that would be nice too.) Instead a have test fixtures that set up data structures that I want to use in my REPL session.

like image 896
W.P. McNeill Avatar asked Jun 10 '13 19:06

W.P. McNeill

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1 Answers

Use test configuration scope, like this:

sbt> test:console 

For more information, see Scopes in the sbt documentation.

With specs2 for example, you can go:

sbt> test:console  console> import mytestpackage._ console> import org.specs2._ console> specs2.run(new MySpec) 
like image 51
Eric Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
