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Importing Data with spring boot



I have flyway and spring-boot working correctly, but I can't seem to wire up my spring.datasource.data correctly.

If I have a file src/main/resources/db/seeds/one_project.sql. I have tried the following inside my application.properties file.

# fully qualified path

# classpath specific

# relative path

The only thing I can actually get to work is to copy one_project.sql to src/main/resources/schema.sql ( even copying it to src/main/resources/data.sql does not work.

Is there something I am completely missing from the documentation?

I have been following along the documentation here.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Alex Avatar asked Oct 23 '15 16:10


2 Answers

Stuck at that quite long. My context: Spring Boot 2.2.6 + Hibernate 5.4 + script.sql in classpath(src/main/resources). To make script executed at application start I was need to add in application.properties:


And remove all comments BEFORE the actual code and BETWEEN code in script.sql. Or if you need comments, add SELECT 1; on the next line after the line with comment. Because the next line after commented one seems to be ignored. No matter how many line breaks after line with comment you paste.

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chill appreciator Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

chill appreciator

As i can see it, Spring Boot executes the data scripts if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The schema.sql script is present and the initialization is enabled (spring.datasource.initialize=true)
  • If JPA and Hibernate is used and autoconfigured with Spring Boot: The property hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto is present (the value doesn't matter, you can give it an empty string or just "validate") and the initialization is enabled (spring.datasource.initialize=true).
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dunni Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
