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Import workitems to TFS 2010

Is is possible to import work items from excel or some other data source to TFS 2010?

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agris Avatar asked May 06 '10 08:05


2 Answers

Yes. Create a Work Item Query in VS and then click "Export to Excel". From there, you can add, edit, and delete work items that fit your query and click the "Publish" option in Excel under the "Team" menu.

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LeWoody Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


The easiest method was using a stored query from TFS while reviewing the data within Excel and publishing the new inputs back to TFS. This method works especially for those of you who can't seem to get people out of the habit of using Excel; which also works for bug tracking, project plans, team assignments, and everything else your company uses Excel to accomplish.

All you need to do is, create a DSN to your data source within ODBC / JDBC utility. Use the "Team" (TFS) tab integration w/in EXCEL. (Download it if you haven't already.) Run a stored or newly created query in Excel from the "Team" tab to TFS. Now all you have to do is get your data into the correct columns and you're done. To do that, copy-n-paste or map the fields w/in the Workbook/worksheet, of data you need to upload to TFS, and click the publish icon. Some fields, will be in read-only format so you can't update.modify data w/in those fields; but don't worry, once it's published back to TFS the system will handle all of those fields 'automajically' for you.

Once the update is complete........you're the man. Everyone loves you, for at least that moment in time, and you can move onto your next task.

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Conradrg Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
