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import unicodecsv fails in jupyter

I tried to run import unicodecsv within jupyter by running a .ipynb file. It failed. Then I installed the unicodecsv file through the python install command and found it within c\python27 dir. But still the import did not happen. How should it be installed. Does it need to be placed within the anaconda installation

Edit : Error displayed -

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-9c1521d8df38> in <module>()
      2 #                 1                 #
      3 #####################################
----> 4 import unicodecsv
      5 ## Read in the data from daily_engagement.csv and project_submissions.csv
      6 ## and store the results in the below variables.

ImportError: No module named unicodecsv
like image 555
Shyam R Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 22:03

Shyam R

1 Answers

Pip (Package Installer for Python) package manager also comes with Python3, you can try this variant without installing Conda (Windows):

python -m pip install unicodecsv
like image 135
alex.b Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 19:03
