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Import struct from another package and file golang





I have a problem trying to import a type from another package and file. The struct that I'm trying to import is the one underneath.

type PriorityQueue []*Item  type Item struct {    value string    priority int       index int  } 

If I would put the PriorityQueue alongside with all of its methods in the same file I'd declare it with

pq:= &PriorityQueue{} 

I've been searching the internet like a madman for an answer on this simple question but I have not found an answer. I usually program in java and import classes is so elementary.

like image 612
Jakob Svenningsson Avatar asked Apr 27 '15 14:04

Jakob Svenningsson

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How do I import a struct from another package in Go?

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1 Answers

In Go you don't import types or functions, you import packages (see Spec: Import declarations).

An example import declaration:

import "container/list" 

And by importing a package you get access to all of its exported identifiers and you can refer to them as packagename.Identifiername, for example:

var mylist *list.List = list.New()  // Or simply: l := list.New() 

There are some tricks in import declaration, for example by doing:

import m "container/list" 

You could refer to the exported identifiers with "m.Identifiername", e.g.

l := m.New() 

Also by doing:

import . "container/list" 

You can leave out the package name completely:

l := New() 

But only use these "in emergency" or when there are name collisions (which are rare).

like image 159
icza Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
