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Import Freebase to Triplestore

I'm currently planning a big project containing big data.

I already used the search and all results tell me that it's not possible to import Freebase into any triplestore without usage of 3rd Party Tools like BaseKB or Freebase to RDF

As I can see, the dump is already available as RDF, so where is the problem if I want to import the dump into my 4store triplestore and access the data via SPARQL?

like image 218
smith64fx Avatar asked Jul 20 '13 09:07


2 Answers

For everybody having Problems importing the Freebase Dump:

1) Keep your RDF/Turtle Parser updated. (Latest Version of raptor 2 can recognize the '.', e.g. at ns:common.topic.notable_for.example

2) The dump must be cleaned up before you can import it. I used this scipt: http://people.apache.org/~andy/Freebase20121223/ (fixit)

3) The Turtle specification only allows these characters for URIs:

::= '<' ([^#x00-#x20<>\"{}|^`\] | UCHAR)* '>'

So it's very important to add this line to the fixit script at line 80:

$X =~ s/\\>/%3E/g ;
$X =~ s/\\.//g ;

# Add this Line
$X =~ [\x00-\x20\<\>\"\{\}\|\^\`] ;

$obj = "<".$X.">" ;

As a result, invalid syntax like this:



like image 99
smith64fx Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09


You are probably getting search results from at least two, if not three, different data sets:

  1. the old quad format dump
  2. the early RDF dumps
  3. (perhaps) the current RDF dump

The format in #1 is what required conversion. The early RDF dumps (#2) were syntactically invalid, so wouldn't import to most tools. The RDF dump has been improving over time. I'm not sure whether it's still true that it won't import at all without preprocessing, but, regardless, it'll almost be more useful if you pre-process it to remove redundancy, normalize to the format that works best for your application, etc.

Did you try importing the current dump? What were your results?

like image 39
Tom Morris Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

Tom Morris